EXCLUSIVE: Swiss footballer Malele on Saudi Arabia, meeting Federer & playing Ronaldo


EXCLUSIVE: Swiss footballer Malele on Saudi Arabia, meeting Federer & playing Ronaldo

Cephas Malele (C) met Roger Federer (L) at the Shanghai Masters
Cephas Malele (C) met Roger Federer (L) at the Shanghai MastersCephas Malele
Cephas Malele (29) has played in six different countries during his career and speaks six languages fluently. The former junior Swiss national team player is currently chasing his dreams at Shanghai Shenhua in China. A club that is managed by the same agency as the Shanghai Masters (tennis) and the Formula 1 race in the Chinese metropolis.

Flashscore spoke exclusively with Malele, who is already familiar with our app, about his time in Saudi Arabia, his unfulfilled dreams and a chance meeting with tennis legend Roger Federer.

Flashcore News: Hey, Cephas! Welcome to the interview. Are you familiar with Flashscore?

Malele: "Yes, I am. I use the app myself, always - and for a long time."

Feeling comfortable in China

Ah, great. That's a good start. You played for Al Taee in the Saudi Pro League in the 2021/22 season (eight assists in 26 games). It's a league that has been causing a stir since the transfer boom last summer. How did you experience your time in Saudi Arabia, especially when you compare it to your previous locations and China?

"Life in Saudi Arabia, or at least in Ha'il where I was, is a bit slow. The locals are more night people, also because of the hot weather during the day. You can't really go out there. Still, I enjoyed it very much and miss it a bit. Shanghai, on the other hand, is more of a business city, where there is always a lot going on. It really has everything: great food, great city, great club, great fans."

"Before that, I also lived in Portugal, Romania and Italy. But I was younger then. Now I'm older and have a family. Of course, you take things differently. But it has definitely helped me, I feel much more open now and I don't have any problems adapting."

Did you always fancy lots of different places, or were your many stops more career-related?

"I would rather say wherever it took me. I've always decided in the moment what was best for me. I'm quite open and honest: Up to a certain age, you should have dreams, but of course you also have to remain realistic."

Experience in Italy and dreams of the Premier League

What have been your greatest achievements, and what are or were your dreams?

"Playing in Serie A. I played three games there. I was very, very nervous before the first game and I can still remember it clearly. When I walked in, it was already a very special moment.

"The second game was against Lazio. After the first sprint, I was dead straight away (laughs). I then had to play another 20 minutes and just thought to myself - What is this? The level was really tough, not at all like in training (laughs). My dream, on the other hand, was always the Premier League, but unfortunately, it wasn't enough."

How did the contact to Saudi Arabia come about and what tipped the scales in favour of switching?

"In the pre-season, I played a strong season with FC Arges in Romania, scoring 18 goals. When my contract expired at the end of the season, I received an offer from Saudi Arabia. I took that step. The whole package was just right. I was also interested in life there, as I am a Muslim myself."

How would you compare the sporting level between Saudi Arabia and China?

"At that time, the pace in Saudi Arabia was rather slower. In China, it is more dynamic, athletic, faster and more physical. But in terms of quality, I would see Saudi Arabia ahead after this summer, of course."

Saudi Arabia - long-term or short-term project?

In China, there had once been a similar transfer boom as now in Saudi Arabia. However, on a smaller scale. Moreover, it seems to have calmed down in recent years. Is there still any sign of the Chinese ambitions on the ground?

"It's quieter at the moment. The clubs are currently focusing more on young talent. The youth academies are very well organised. I think their own football is now in the foreground here. You can't compare it to the scale of Saudi Arabia."

A fate that could also await Saudi Arabia?

"I think so. In my opinion, it will only run until 2034, when I guess they will host the World Cup. It's just way too much money. In my opinion, like the Chinese, they should rely on their own youth and performance centres instead of spending so much money on individual players.

"The clubs hardly have any home-grown players left in their ranks. In the long run, this could destroy the league. China has also recognised this. But I wouldn't be surprised if things are different in Saudi Arabia and something bigger emerges."

Dream of playing against Ronaldo

Do you regret moving from Saudi Arabia? Now that some big players are playing in the league.

"I am a person who does not like to live in the past. I like to live in the present. The only players I would say - 'too bad' - would be (Cristiano) Ronaldo or Neymar. Maybe I'll still get the chance - we might have a friendly against Al Nassr in February."

Would that be a dream?

"Yes, to play against Ronaldo or Messi one day. Inter Miami is even in China in November and would have had a friendly against us. But since we are in the semi-finals of the cup and time was a bit tight, another team stepped in. It's a pity, but I actually prefer to play the semi-final. Because a dream of mine is also to win a title with Shenhua. I think we have a good chance."

Malele meeting Federer in Shanghai

Last week in October 2023, you got to meet Roger Federer at the Shanghai Masters!

"Yes. I got to represent my team there and welcome Roger Federer to Shanghai. A very proper guy. A legend, he exudes a classy aura. I was also in the stadium, the first time at a tennis event. A great experience."

What do you ask Roger Federer at such a moment?

"For an autograph (laughs). We exchanged a bit, he asked me where I was from. He's building a villa very close to where my wife is from, in Rapperswil-Jona."

And has he already invited you to dinner at his villa?

"(Laughs) Not yet, it doesn't exist yet. Maybe one day."